
One-third of UK Road Accidents are caused by Absentminded Drivers ―so What’s the Solution?

Solution for UK's Road Accidents Caused by Distracted Driver
Source by unsplash

Although road casualties have decreased in the past decades due to improved road infrastructure and vehicle technology, we’re facing a surging trend of accidents caused by drivers’ behaviour.

Road rage, for example, affects more than two in three UK drivers, and some places in the country, such as Lancashire, Cambridgeshire, and Leicester, are well-known for drivers who struggle to keep their composure while steering.

Unfortunately, road rage is not the only effect of human behaviour. Another reason accidents happen in the UK is failure to look properly when driving, crossing the street, or changing lanes. Sometimes, this happens out of tiredness, but it can also be the effect of driver complacency.

But since this is so common, what can be done to prevent it?

How worried should authorities be? 

According to Statista, 38% of road accidents in the UK occur due to drivers’ lack of attention while driving. This percentage is closely followed by drivers who fail to approximate others’ speed or intention, which tops drivers who exceed the speed limit.

It might be that most drivers are also distracted by their smartphones, as many have been seen texting while driving, which is a considerably dangerous action. Sadly, most of these accidents lead to serious injuries. If you’ve been the victim of an unjust road accident, you could contact the advisors of Personal Injury Claims UK to claim compensation after providing evidence of the other party’s fault.

How many people use their phones while driving? 

Although data shows that only 0.3% of all drivers were noticed using a mobile phone while driving, the statistic is limited to the period the data was gathered. Although the legislation has changed in the past years, leading to a lowered usage of phones while driving, the percentage is still considerable according to the number of drivers in the UK.

Most people are reaching for their phones out of habit, as we’re all checking them numerous times a day. However, it has been noticed that many see driving as a secondary task, which is why most need background music or another activity for the driving to pass.

Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous causes of accidents because even if drivers are trying to respect the law, they often fail due to poor habits.

How are distracted drivers noticed? 

Most people think they’re not being observed while checking their phones or doing anything else but being wary of the road ahead. However, most police agents can tell when they’re distracted. So, whether they’re using their mobile phones to text, read, or watch videos, they display certain cues when doing it.

For instance, police are looking for a visible display screen as the first sign of potential distraction. Other signs include noticing handled communication devices, whether up to their ear or somewhere else less noticeable.

Distracted drivers tend to drift left to right within the lane when absent, but others seem tired or even impaired as they split their attention between the road and their smartphones. Many keep their phones on their laps, but it’s visible that they’re not paying attention when they look down at them.

Can the government prevent distractions? 

Preventing people from using their phones while driving can be complicated, especially since the level of enforcement can easily impede their rights to use their phones. Regulation could fixate on the subject to constantly remind people of their need to pay attention only to the traffic by:

  • Using clear language on how devices can be used;
  • Creating penalties and fines;
  • Developing high-visibility strategies to educate people;

However, despite governmental efforts, it’s up to drivers to be aware of the impact of using their smartphones while driving. Drivers should not multitask while on the road, so eating or making a phone call should be done before or after the trip.

Moreover, vehicle passengers should contribute by speaking up when the driver is reckless while also helping reduce distractions by assisting with directions or changing the music as requested.

What about new car technology?

Many are wondering if modern vehicles and their designs are especially contributing to distracted driving since they’re packed with map screens and other features that can interact with their driving capabilities.

On the other hand, some see features like lane detection or crash avoidance technology as impeding drivers’ liability and responsibility, as they might depend too much on them and forget to be more careful on the road.

People also fear self-driving cars and their features because their technology is still not reliable. There have already been a few cases of self-driving Tesla technology that led to 13 fatal traffic crashes, as people trust the automation entirely.

The solution stands in the drivers’ attention

For now, despite all the technology surrounding us, we need to be focused while driving entirely in order to protect ourselves and those around us. While driving on the highway seems quite simple and fit for auto-driving, we still need to face challenging traffic in which our skills are challenged.

That’s why drivers need to keep their eyes on the road and improve their driving capabilities by being ready for any sudden change. Driving a car prepares you for numerous unexpected events. While on the road, drivers can suddenly be faced with low visibility due to fog, snow, or rain, as well as getting a flat tire, and this requires their full attention and skills to navigate and not put anyone in danger.

What’s your take on distracted driving? 

Distracted driving is the main cause of road accidents in the UK. It involves people being busy with their smartphones, tired, or simply too used to the path to pay attention to new challenges. Unfortunately, some of these causalities are fatal.

Although regulation has been imposed on the matter, and the police are continuously looking for careless drivers, it is the drivers’ duty to keep an eye on the road and be ready to act when an unexpected event happens.

What do you think?

Written by Zane Michalle

Zane is a Viral Content Creator at UK Journal. She was previously working for Net worth and was a photojournalist at Mee Miya Productions.

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