
Jay Slater’s Mother Addresses Claims Teen Took £12k Rolex Before Disappearing in Tenerife

Jay Slater Missing Tenerife Rolex False Claim!
Source by manchestereveningnews & daily mail

Debbie Duncan, the mother of Jay Slater, an apprentice bricklayer who passed away at the age of 19, has officially refuted rumours that have been circulating that her son was involved in criminal activities previous to his unfortunate disappearance in Tenerife.

Unsubstantiated Charges and Accusations

In the aftermath of Jay’s disappearance on June 17, 2024, a number of unverified rumours surfaced on the internet. These claims included assertions that he had stolen a Rolex watch worth £12,000 from a criminal and that he had ties with a drug cartel on the island. When Ms. Duncan was asked about these rumours, she responded with a resounding statement that “He would never have been involved in anything like that.” She went on to clarify that Jay had only been on the island for three days, during which time he had attended a structured music festival with his pals, which suggests that such charges are highly improbable.

Disappearance Situations and Circumstances

In the most recent sighting, Jay Slater was seen going to the NRG Music Festival with two of his friends. The last place that anyone knew he was was in the Rural de Teno Park in the northern part of Tenerife, which was around eleven hours of walking distance from his lodging. After a night out, he had gone to an Airbnb in Masca; however, the investigators ultimately determined that the people who had leased the home were not related to the investigation. According to the Spanish Civil Guard, it is highly likely that Jay Slater died as a result of a fall that occurred in the mountainous and inaccessible spot where his body was later found.

Mourning in the Community

At the beginning of this month, a funeral service was held at Accrington Crematorium. The event was attended by up to five hundred mourners, who included family members, friends, and coworkers from PH Build Group, where Jay Slater worked as an apprentice bricklayer. The family requested that those in attendance wear blue in his honour, and they complied with their request. The memorial service honoured the life of a young man who, according to many who attended, “touched the lives of so many people.” The service included video clips that demonstrated Jay’s dance talents as well as photo tributes on his passing.

Ever-Present Concerns

Issues have been raised about the safety of tourists in Tenerife as a result of Jay Slater disappearance and later death. These issues are mainly related to the difficult terrains of the island and the fact that search and rescue operations are not adequate. According to recent reports, there has been an increase in the number of disappearances that have occurred on the island. As a result, experts have called for increased resources and coordinated efforts to handle these instances.

During this trying time, the family is still grieving the loss of their cherished son and is requesting that the general public respect their right to privacy and stop from spreading rumours that have no basis in reality.

What do you think?

Written by Zane Michalle

Zane is a Viral Content Creator at UK Journal. She was previously working for Net worth and was a photojournalist at Mee Miya Productions.

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